Sonntag, 25. Mai 2014

Lazy sunday + winner.

During the last 3 days…

- Ben was stung by a wasp – 2 days later it had developed into a solid blood poisoning (before all young mothers start to panic now, if there is an insect buzzing around in the vicinity: if the site is still very swollen after days and if a thick red stripe leads away from it – let it get looked at ;). It’s very rare, though!). Since my husband has been working in Berlin for several weeks now, I was the only one in charge and it kept me extremely busy ;).

- I had the honor of speaking at a blogger workshop in Stuttgart.
And this requires me to have a lot of self-discipline.

I tell you something:

there are people who love dogs.
There are people who love vintage furniture.
There are people who love healthy food.
There are people who love model train sets.

But me, I love: PEOPLE.

As soon as I enter a room filled with other people I am struck by lightning (completely out of the blue! I should know better, but I never do.), and I am as enchanted and enraptured and overwhelmed and in love as can be.

The thing I would like to do best is to instantly throw my arms around everybody, hug them tight, kiss them, encourage them, lift them up, make them laugh, learn about their favorite food, listen to them, hug them tight again, laugh with them, take away everything that’s weighing on them, spin them around and tell them about 100 times in a row how most beautiful and fascinating they are (because I really think so!).

But I’m not allowed to, because….some might get a fright.


So I stand there, with a constant inconspicuous grin and permanently pull myself together.


So they don’t think afterwards:

"Joanna, the crazy one who spoke at that workshop, way back when…”

That’s why I seem to be quite harmless, but in reality I am a master of self-control.
Exactly what happened yesterday at the workshop with AnnaundHerrM.
(just between us, in private: do you actually have ANY IDEA how many amazing, lovely, dynamic, talented, fun-loving women there are in this world?! Eh?! Do you?!)

- One of yesterday’s workshop participants was a long standing friend of mine and I took her home with me in exchange for a head massage – despite it being Sunday afternoon already, we are still hanging out in our PJs and she is cooking for me and the kids – what a great feeling since my body has had to battle cold symptoms like fever, aching limbs, a runny nose and a sore throat for the past three days.

Annette will soon start her own food blog, and I am very much looking forward to it! 

- Yesterday I made fresh rhubarb lemonade for everyone – you don’t even have to peel the stalks which makes the syrup turn a lovely pink.
Preparing it is child’s play and is done in a few minutes – perfectly refreshing and only available when in season, therefore definitely recommended for trial!
I can barely stand looking at ugly beverage bottles on the dining table and I have found a pretty alternative:
The 1.5 quart glass bottle by Räder is a stylish container for your favorite beverage, wonderfully imprinted and classy.
For everybody who doesn’t drink enough: fill it to the brim, put it on your desk and you will not forget to ;)!

The Räder bottle is available at Inside Living.

Rhubarb syrup:

approx. 23 oz. rhubarb

1 cup sugar
Juice of one lemon

1. Do not peel the rhubarb, but simply wash it and cut it into half-inch pieces.

In a pot bring 1 cup of water with the rhubarb pieces to a boil, let simmer for about 10 minutes until everything is soft. Squeeze through a fine-meshed sieve, preserving the juice.

2. Pour the juice back into the pot and simmer for another 5 minutes together with the sugar and the lemon juice.

3. Let it cool, then add sparkling water and ice cubes and enjoy the delicious fresh lemonade!

The winners of the Räder give-away are:
1. Set of woven baskets: Julia Geister
2. Set of feather pebbles: Diana Hegelow
3. China clock with real feathers: Nadine von Live Love Bake + Serengeti

The winner of the
AvieArt give-away is:

Congratulations to all winners, please send me a mail with your street address.
Love from the Master of Self-discipline,


And please tune in tomorrow again, there’s going to be something pretty! 

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