Montag, 5. Mai 2014

City-Outfit + Blogger Workshop in Stuttgart

A while ago Jeanette came to Stuttgart – straight after the blogger workshop that I had the honor of participating in as a guest speaker.
We both enjoyed the beautifully sunny/windy weather and especially each other’s company.
After several days she left for home full of ideas and new inspiration – her next post will feature a topic on beauty, something I am already very much looking forward to!

By the way:
An elegant yet relaxed look for almost everywhere and every day:
Blazer with a print-shirt and jeans.

Perfect for everyone who likes an uncomplicated style, but still doesn’t want to be running around looking scruffy – and above all neither looking too severe nor frumpy ;).
You can take it all a notch up with fancy metallic pumps and a leather purse with a long fringe.

2. Mango
4. G-Star
5. Guess
6. Zign

Everything by Zalando*

1. Ray Ban
5. G-Star
6. Högl

Everything by Zalando*

Let’s talk about: the blogger workshop:

I was full of anticipation and suspense with regard to the people I would meet there – and I was more than overwhelmed by all the strikingly beautiful, talented and inquisitive women participants.

Before entering the room, where the workshop took place I briefly waited in front of the restroom, which was occupied. When the door opened, the emerging woman – up to then a total stranger to me– flung her arms right around my neck. Yeah, this rocks.

From now on I ALWAYS demand a welcome committee right at the restroom door.
If this is not feasible, I will not accept any requests to attend as a speaker at all.

What I wanted to tell the (aspiring) bloggers I told them already on location, which is why I only have a short message to all blog readers today:

The women blogging for you are truly wonderful.
They are lovely, lively, with a sense of humor, likeable.
They give their heart and soul, share their talents and their ideas with you, they really make an effort and invest a lot of their time into text and pictures.
They are at it with ardor and passion.
(A little secret;): if the blog seems likeable to you, it is a fact that the author is the same! If, however, you find negative things on a blog, it is mirrored in the person as well ;). I personally keep being fascinated by this correlation in the virtual world!).
That’s why at this point and as an exception I have to ask a favor of the readers:
If you enjoy their blogs, encourage them and leave some lovely words!
Simply let them feel your gratitude – because they open their virtual living room for you and let you share all the beautiful things that they were gifted with themselves.
It requires a lot of time and work – you’d be surprised how much of it in fact.
For if you read a blog for a longer period of time, it seems perhaps like something you do naturally after a while – but especially the smaller blogs are very happy about positive feedback!

Among the participants were, for example…
Sabine with her sewing instructions, 
Barbara  (with the wackiest kid’s fancy dress  of all times. O.M.G.), 
Nadja via Richtungswechsel
the enchanting and very young Annalena via Heyfoodsister (DO NOT read this blog at night. Just trust me.), 
Katrin via Schneewittchensapfel
Rieke with her very new blog,
Lilli via inspiring green
the most beautiful Snjezie and Beyhan and many more!

Thank you to all the wonderful blogging ladies, also for the mails and positive feedback I got subsequently: I was very happy about every single one of them!
Thank you for letting me inspire you!

And you as the readers will provide great pleasure to your favorite blogs, if you encourage and invigorate the (partly still young) bloggers – they share their best with you and are happy when you express your gratitude in words.

I am already very much looking forward to the May workshop!


The beautiful drawing is by Nicole Adler.

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